Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Summer Thus far

So here is my summer thus far

I spent a fantastically adventurous week in Daytona, where I dropped my phone in a full beer on the first day, awesome right??? I ate my first Schnurrgoo and regretted it the whole night. I sunburned the first day. I had my ass grabbed by London Warren, then proceeded to want to fight him, before and after I found out who he was. I chased a 3/4 naked Jess around the hotel with Julie attempting to put at least a shirt on her. Then I got a flyer for a free piercing, so me and Nebraska decided to get one, dragging Kristin and Kate with us, but the free ride sounded too sketchy so we thought we should walk. The walk took over 30minutes, where I am pretty sure Kate and Kristin were plotting our deaths. After getting our piercings, we decided the sketchy ride was worth the risk. Katie and I then ate "Hawg" burgers. And if you are thinking that sounds like a heart attack waiting to happen, then you are correct. The thing was massive...1/2 lb burger with bacon, bbq sauce at least two cheeses and copious amounts of onion...mmmm...I then got sunburned again on Sunday, and came back home. So that was Daytona in a nutshell.

Since then I have been living at my dad's. This means, my 25 year old mooch of a brother gets the only other bedroom while I get to sleep on the couch and share the living room with everyone else...it sucks majorly. If someone wakes up before me, which usually happens as my brother works 4 am shifts at McDonalds, I basically have to wake up too with the kitchen being right there. If I want to change and everyone is home, I have to go to the bathroom just to change a shirt...which brings me to the bathroom itself. I have to share a bathroom with my brother, which when I moved in, looked like someone had barfed all over it, for lack of a better way to put it. I have started cleaning it many times, but I get to a point where I am just so grossed out by the stickyness, I give up. So all in all, my accomodations are not the best, but I will be hopefull getting an apartment in about 2 months.

Yesterday I had oral surgery, a gum graft...awesome, my mouth feels like i was in a boxing match without a mouthguard...but awesome story, they gave me an oral sedation, which worked very well for the filling they did first, so when I wake up I think its all done, then back comes the oral surgeon to start...thanks dentist, I really needed to sleep through the filling, but not surgery...and when I was crying from pain, the surgeon asked what was wrong, well gee I wonder what I'm crying about with drills and knives in my mouth...hmmmm...

Other than that, I have been adventuring, going to Lexington last week, Cinci and Newport this weekend, and getting a new,old phone (it was free). So, there shall be more summertime adventures...here is also a picture of Dopey's newest trick:

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